

This research aims to study the status of bibliographic citations in MS thesis of Persian Language and Literature, in Letters of the Faculty, for the years 1370-1376.
For this purpose, all the sources referred to in these, have been studied and analysed from various aspects. The results obtained show that in all theses books are more frequently cited than other sources.
A review of the languages used in citations, shows that the predominant language is Persian and then Arabic and Latin is the least.
Among literary forms poetry has been more cited than prose and the most frequently cited source of poetry is Divan of Hafiz. “A History of Persian Literature” by Zabihollah Safa, with a frequency of 62 times, is the most ferquentel source of prose cited.
The resuls show that Abdolhosain Zarrinkoob, with a frequency of 94
times, has been known as main core cited author in this research.
