In 1965 the late Ustad Mohit Tabataba'i published an article about the Hamzeh Nameh and its paintings and concluded it with acknow ledgment of his lack of knowledge about its destiny after its transfer to Iran by Nader Shah. The present writer pursued this matter further and published an article wherein besides shedding light on the emergence of the Indo-Persian school of
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painting under Humayun and the execution of the paintings of Hamzeh Nameh under the orders of Akbar, tried to marshall new evidence to alleviate the charge of vandalism generally levelled against Nader Shah in India. The present writer has no doubt that
as per undertaking given by Nader Shah to the Moghul Emperor Mohammad Shah, Hamzeh Nameh was subsequently sent back to India. The article which was originally published in the Honar wa
Mardom also sought to lay bare the latest position of the paintings
of this great book. The present paper is the revised and updated version of the old article; it was presented in the Kalhora Internatinal Seminar, held at Karachi, in September 1996.