

The purpose of this study was the cognition of reading needs and interests of new literates in order to produce easy to read materials by Literacy Movement Organization (LMO) and the relevant adult education organizations, private publishers and of course to help the librarians to select proper materials for target groups namely semi literates and new literates of the society .
A sample of 3565 new literate adults participating in LMO classes were investigated by means of structured questionnaires which were filled by interviewes in 26 provinces. To collect more information, a sample of 863 tutors of LMO and a sample of 309 educational guides of LMO were send the questionnaires too.
The results showed that majority of the three mentioned respondents have primarily chosen social awareness. The new literates at first priority were interested in reading about subjects which imporves their social life. However, they were intersted to know more about hygiene specially the ways of preventing different diseases and then preferred to read about religion.
