The significance of thesauri in information storage and retrieval has made library and information science specialists pay more attention to preparing and developing new thesauri. In particular, some works have been done to prepare and translate thesauri in Iran. ”Persian Cultural Thesaurus: ASFA” and “UNESCO” Thesaurus: International Thesaurus of Cultural Development” in cultural areas are two examples of the works done in this field. Definitely, some principles should be followed in thesauri structure in order to help us gain the specified goals of thesauri; the use in information storage and retrieval. One of these principles that need special attention is providing a logical and structured relationship between differenct concepts. In this study which is a pilot study in this field, using a comparison of the relationship between the keywords of the two thesauri.- ASFA and “UNESCO thesaurus: - the researcher investigated the relationship between different thesaural concepts.