Citation Analysis of Chemistry Doctoral Dissertations in Tehran and Tarbiat Modarres Universities (1996-2004)



The object of this study is to survey and compare the citing behavior of chemical doctoral students in Tehran and Tarbiat Modarres universities. This study clarifies the characteristics of cited resources and determines their differences and similarities. The methodology of this study is citation analysis and 6382 citations from 60 dissertations have been analyzed. Findings suggest that the most part of citations belonged to the journals and books respectively. The language of most citations was English and the citation of Persian materials is low. Tarbiat modarres researchers have used more update materials than those in Tehran University. The average of citations in Tehran University is 116.16 and Tarbiat Modarres isn 96.56. according to the Bradford's law of scattering. The core journals which have been cited by chemical students were identified
