The Exploration of the Extent Relevance between Literatures Reviewed in the LIS Theses and Theses' Subject in Tehran Universities (2000-2004)



Purpose: Between 1379-1380 in the library and information science master in Tehran and Tarbiat Modares universities, 81 theses has been defended that 78 theses has the literature review section. The purpose of this study is to review the extent of subject relevance between theses and their literature reviews.
Methodology: for fulfillment of the purpose, the titles of 78 theses and 1092 their Literature review has been analyzed based on three criteria (approach, context, population), that the extent of their adaptation indicates the average of subject relevance. The attained average was analyzed based on variables such as university, language and type of sources.
Findings: The results indicate some 44% subject consistency between theses and their literature reviewed. Tehran and Tarbiat Modares universities have more or less the same rate of subject consistency. English sources are more consistent than Persian, and subject of articles are more relevant than the other forms of the sources.
