Manuscripts Cataloging in Iran



Objective: This research is about Studying manuscripts production and their cataloging in the domain of Islamic –Iranian culture and civilization.
Methodology: This study was conducted by surveying method and library studies.
Findings: Findings indicated that: In production of manuscripts, several motivations including religious reasons had been considered. In cataloging, also, well-known figures of cataloging in the three eras of traditional, middle, and modern have cataloged these worthwhile works of Islamic civilization. Every era cataloging differ dramatically with next eras’ cataloging .In the traditional and middle eras, there are so differences in catalogers works that their tastes effects are evident in their works. In the modern era of manuscripts cataloging, cataloging rules of printed books have partially been followed, but this method has not been accepted by the most libraries and catalogers and in Iran, there is need for a standard significantly.
Keywords: manuscripts, Iran, culture, civilization
