Familiarity of UT Researchers With the Issue of Research Misconducts

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MS, Library and information Science

2 Assistant Professor - Information Studies Lab, University of Tehran

3 Professor – Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Tehran


Purpose: The following paper is going to evaluate the familiarity scale of University of Tehran (UT) researchers with the issue of research misconducts, its types and definitions.
Methodology: This paper, which is a practical one regarding its objects, and gathered its data through descriptive survey, will consider the familiarity scale of participants with the issue of research misconducts by a researcher- based questionnaire.
Findings: According to the findings of this study, UT researchers totally believe that they have high level of familiarity with the issue of research misconducts. Participants acknowledged that, though they had not been trained in this field formally, there is no sufficient and appropriate legislation to stop these misconducts and the prosecution. There is no meaningful statistically difference between men and women in their familiarity scale. In addition, they asserted that there is high level of probability for whole Iranian researchers to commit some forms of research misconducts and in contrast there is low probability to commit these misconducts themselves.
