Geological survey of Iran library strategic plan: 2011-2015

Document Type : Research Paper



Purpose: This paper has two main goals: first, to evaluate the position of Geological Survey of Iran Library through the assessment of internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) environment; and then, provide solutions and strategies to help library managers and administrators to achieve their goals, missions and visions.

Methodology: Among the existing models, David, Fred & Hunger's model and strategic factors analysis technique (SWOT) was applied.Data were collected by analyzing library documents, interviews with stakeholders and a questionare developed by the researchers.Interveiw questions and questionnaire were constructed based on Iranian Special Library Standards. By analyzing the data, internal and external strategic factors were identified and ranked according to their importance and weight.

Findings: The results show the score of 2.999 and 2.275 for internal and external factors evaluation, respectively; in other words, based on the evaluation of internal and external factors, the library stands in a middle position.Based on the findings, sixteen main strategies concerning with services, management, human resources, and equipments, with priority schedualing, was proposed.
Originality: This research can be regarded as the first study which has evaluated an important special library in Iran using internal and external factors analysis. This study developed a set of guidelines and strategic factors in various categories that can be applied by the library and other libraries for the future planning and actions.


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