An investigation of Iranian scholars' visibility in the scientific social media or networks: A case study of University of Tehran Scientific Board members

Document Type : Research Paper



Objective: Given more use of social media or networks in communication and dissemination of research, aim of this paper is investigating of Iranian scholars' visibility in this media or networks.
Method: The Altmetric method_ measures based on social media or network_ was used for the survey. Citations data was collected via search the names of scientific board members of University of Tehran in scopus. And bookmarks data was gathered via search the articles which were extracted from Scopus in the CiteULike, Bibsonomy and Mendeley. The data were analyzed using Excel and SPSS software.
Findings: Research findings demonstrated that there is significant correlation between citations and bookmarks of Iranian scholars' publications. The highest correlation is between Mendeley and Scopus at ρ=.80. The correlation between CiteULike and Scopus is low (ρ=.439) while that for Bibsonomy is very low (ρ=.241).
