Knowledge and Information Science Education Foresight in Iran with Cross Impact Analysis Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


Lorestan University


Objective: Cross-impact analysis approach is deals with the direct and indirect influences of key driving forces on a given system to plan for the future. The purpose of this research is to show Knowledge and Information Science Education foresight in Iran with cross-impact analysis approach.
Methodology: The study is applicable and carry out using a survey and cross impact analysis methods. The study population consisted of faculty members, students and researchers in knowledge and information science education. A 110 matrix were returned and using MicMac software was analyzed.
Findings: The findings show that the key driving forces tends to reconsider the structure of the research and education in the fields of humanities and social sciences, establishment of validation and quality assurance, graduates' employment status, position in the field of public opinion and people's attitudes towards it, equation of supply and demand and selection of students in higher education, new employment opportunities with a focus on information and knowledge, the development of parallel academic disciplines, specialization in curriculum development, the inclusion of entrepreneurial element in KIS education, impact of information technology on business environment, interaction with industry and Improvement and development of faculty members have a greatest impact and influence on the future of education field.
Originality: According to previous studies, this research tries to analyze the direct and indirect influences of key deriving forces in knowledge and information science education in Iran for the first time. Also cross-impact anlysis technique was used as a new method in KIS education studies.


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