identify the motivations of students’using social networks sach as Facebook, Instagram and telegram.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 expert research and training in General Office Of Puplic Libraries In Hormozgan Province.

2 Associate Professor of Kharazmi University,Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant professor of Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.


Objective: The popularity of using social networks around the world is increasing; the desire of users, especially the student population, to join the networks is indicative of a satisfaction that has strengthened their incentive to use. Unfortunately, in Iran, the negative outlook for technology developments in the social networking sector has been far removed from the motivations of our audiences from the scientific recognition of such incentives. To this end, this study aimed to identify the motivations of students’using social networks sach as Facebook, Instagram and telegram.
Methodology: This applied research was carried out using qualitative methodology and methodology of content oriented analysis. Samples were selected on the basis of criteria from Tehran University students. In this research, 19 students with high social networking use of Facebook, Instagram and telegram was selected and semi-structured interview were conducted.
Findings: The results of the analysis showed that the goal is to exploit space and network capacities. So that the use of these networks is not about being new or fashionable, but also on the motivation to meet the needs of users. Three motivations for communication and interaction with others, freedom of expression and self-declaration of social need, two motivations for finding information and informing, and curiosity of cognitive need and two motivations for recreation and recreation and loneliness of emotional need Take place.


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