Evaluation of Library Performance in Razi University Using the Balanced Scorecard Model (BSC)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Department of Accounting, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


Purpose: The purpose of this research is to evaluate the performance of Razi University libraries using the Balanced Scorecard Model (BSC). Also, in this research, the strengths and weaknesses of the performance of the Razi University libraries are determined.
Methodology: The present study is an applied research and has been conducted through a survey-descriptive method. The statistical population of this research is all managers, staff and users of Razi University libraries, which consists of 7 managers and 14 employees and 8000 active users of Razi University libraries. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and one-sample t-test using SPSS software was analyzed.
Findings: The findings showed that the customer's perspective has the highest level of balance, and then the financial perspective has the best level of balance. The two perspectives of growth and learning and internal processes that are related to the level of performance of staff at Razi University libraries are at the lowest level of performance.
Conclusion: The performance of Razi University libraries is unbalanced in terms of growth and learning and internal processes, which means that Razi University libraries failed to succeed in providing services and empowerment of their employees. However, the performance of the Razi University libraries is balanced and acceptable from the financial perspective, which means that the managers of the Razi University libraries spend the library's financial resources in a suitable and desirable manner


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