Analysis of the Scientific Research on Open Innovation in Web of Science and Drawing a Scientific Map

Document Type : Research Paper


1 partment of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.

2 Knowledge & Information Science, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


Objective: The objective of this study was to conduct a bibliometric analysis of scientific research indexed in the Web of Science citation database in the field of open innovation. By employing bibliometric techniques, the research aims to construct a scientific map that visually represents the intellectual structure, key themes, and influential authors within this subject area.
Methods: This applied research was conducted by using bibliometric techniques. The advanced search feature was utilized to extract data from the Web of Science (WoS), using the keyword "open innovation." A total of 6,429 bibliographic records were retrieved. After collecting and cleaning the data, it was imported into specialized scientific software. VOSviewer, UCINET, and BibExcel were employed to draw scientific maps.
Results: Based on the data obtained from the Web of Science, a scientific map of the field of open innovation was drawn. It was found that the scientific structure of open innovation consists of 9 main thematic clusters. The first cluster with 13 keywords is the largest cluster and key research areas within the indexed publications include research and development, and absorption capacity, which exhibit the highest frequency. The United States (U.S.), Italy, and the United Kingdom (U.K.) emerged as the leading countries in terms of scientific output in this field. The University of California demonstrated the highest productivity. Over 96.9% of the scientific publications are written in English, followed by Spanish.
Conclusions: This study revealed significant vocabulary relationships, identified key authors and organizations, and delineated research trends within the field of open innovation across various years. Additionally, it highlighted the most frequently used and widely adopted open innovation practices. A co-word analysis revealed a strong association between the keywords "research and development" and "absorption capacity." The study also identified disparities in the utilization of open innovation across different scientific disciplines and observed gaps in the field's scientific structure.


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