Investigating the viability of the structure of Tehran International Book Fair using Viable Systems Model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 knowledge and information science, Kish International Campus, University of Tehran, Iran

2 University of Tehran

3 University of Isfahan


Viable system model is one of the structural design models that as a model based on organizational cybernetics and a kind of qualitative methodology, enables the organization to achieve the set goals and be prepared to face the challenges of the environment. This model, which is one of the well-known models in the world and has been used to design the structure or to diagnose the existing structure of various organizations at micro and macro levels, can be used in various fields of activity.

The purpose of this article is to identify the viability capacity of Tehran International Book Fair using the Viable systems model.

In order to achieve this goal by combining different stages of the three common types of this methodology to define identity and goals and the environment as a system, then by explaining the conversion process and unraveling the complexities of the system, two technological and customer-supplier models were presented, and finally, by identifying the five subsystems of the Viable Systems Model in the current structure of the book fair, the existing defects were identified.

Finally, the defects in the current structure were identified, which by eliminating them, the book fair is prepared to face environmental challenges and achieve viability.

It seams this study has evaluated the structure of Tehran International Book Fair from the perspective of viability for the first time. The results of this research can be used by managers for coordination, planning, organization and control.


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