Native Pattern of Post-Crisis Management in the Archival Centers of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Information Science and Dentistry, Fac

2 Associate Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Objective: The main purpose of the present research is to provide a native pattern of post-crisis management in archives.

Methodology: this research was carried out qualitatively with the use of grounded theory. The research community was crisis management specialists, as well as archives managers in Iran.

Findings: The results of this pattern include the sections of the causal conditions, strategies, intervening conditions and the field, as well as the outcome of them. The causal conditions are due to factors such as the lack of proper policies at the national level for post-crisis management, the lack of proper and to combat fire, as well as the absence of organizations that do the act of freezing and falsifying records. Intervener conditions and areas is consisted of some issues such as the lack of a comprehensive crisis plan for the post-crisis phase in the archives, compliance with standards in the reconstruction of records by specialists, the use of disinfection and acidification methods to protect information resources against pests, use of the crisis map in the post-crisis phase and issues related to manpower. According to research findings, in archives, strategies such as modern resilience training, restoration of records, evaluation of building aftershocks, and state level due to accelerated reconstruction of records should be used. Eventually, the aftermath of the crisis management process in Iran's archives will have the effect of eliminating the effects of crises and returning to the pre-crisis stage.


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