The relationship between information literacy & computer self -efficacy & Academic performance Of student in faculeties psycology and education of Tehran university.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member university of Tehran

2 Ms in adult education university of Tehran


This study aims to investigate the relationship between information literacy, computer self-efficacy and academic performance in a population of 1054 of BA and MA students of Psychology and Educational Sciences faculty of Tehran University. The data are collected in a sample of 283 students (103 BA and 180 MA); selected using Cochran's sampling formula. These students answered Mittermeyer and Quirion’s information literacy questionnaire (2003), and Murphy’s computer self-efficacy questionnaire (1989). The results show that there is positive and meaningful relationship between information literacy and computer self-efficacy, between information literacy and academic performance, and between computer self-efficacy and academic performance. This means that the higher the information literacy, the higher the computer self-efficacy and academic performance of students. Besides, the higher the computer self-efficacy, the higher the academic performance of students.


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