Bageri, Dr. Masomeh
Feasibility of Clinical librarian Services in the Hospital libraries of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences [Volume 42, Issue 47, 2008]
Banieghbal, Dr. Nahid
The Design of an Improvement model for the Libraries of Tehran North Branch Islamic Azad University [Volume 42, Issue 48, 2008]
Binesh, Sayyede Mozhgan
Investigation of Iran Universities' Scientific Publications During 2002-2006 According to Web of Science Database [Volume 42, Issue 47, 2008]
Carlson, Jake
An Examination of Undergraduate Student Citation Behavior [Volume 42, Issue 47, 2008]
Darush Niakan, Ladan
How Accurate are CIP LC Classification Numbers? A Case Study on Veterinary Medicine Persian Books
(2001-2005) [Volume 42, Issue 47, 2008]
Darush Niakan, Ladan
RSS and its Application in Scopus (Abstract and Citation Database) [Volume 42, Issue 48, 2008]
Doostdar, Dr. Yahya
- [Volume 42, Issue 48, 2008]
Fazlollahi, Seifollah
A Survey on the Rate of Students' Familiarity at Islamic Azad University (Qom) with Library and the Requirement Of User Education in the Viewpoint of Them [Volume 42, Issue 48, 2008]
Hori, Dr.Abbas
State of Knowledge Management in Electrical Special Libraries and Presentation of a Model [Volume 42, Issue 47, 2008]
Janmohammad, Maryam i
How Accurate are CIP LC Classification Numbers? A Case Study on Veterinary Medicine Persian Books
(2001-2005) [Volume 42, Issue 47, 2008]
Kazempour, Zahra
- [Volume 42, Issue 48, 2008]
Khamoshian, Farshad
The Study of KMSU Ph.D. Students Citation Behaviors Based on Their Dissertation between 1380-1384 [Volume 42, Issue 48, 2008]
Khansar, Dr.Jeiran i
State of Knowledge Management in Electrical Special Libraries and Presentation of a Model [Volume 42, Issue 47, 2008]
Kousha, Kayvan
Characteristics of Web Citation Network: an Exploratory Analysis on Science and Social Science Disciplines [Volume 42, Issue 47, 2008]
Maghsoudi Daryeh, Roya
Investigation of Iran Universities' Scientific Publications During 2002-2006 According to Web of Science Database [Volume 42, Issue 47, 2008]
Moccari, Mandana
Determine Hamadan University of Medical Sciences Determination of Core Journals in Hamadan University of Medical Sciences with Bradford's Law [Volume 42, Issue 48, 2008]
Mohammad, Mahdi
A Survey on the Rate of Students' Familiarity at Islamic Azad University (Qom) with Library and the Requirement Of User Education in the Viewpoint of Them [Volume 42, Issue 48, 2008]
Mohammadi, Kourosh
- [Volume 42, Issue 48, 2008]
Parsaeian, Maryam
The Exploration of the Extent Relevance between Literatures Reviewed in the LIS Theses and Theses' Subject in Tehran Universities (2000-2004) [Volume 42, Issue 47, 2008]
Pishfgar, Dr.Ahad
General Reference Sources. 2nd Edition, 2006 [Volume 42, Issue 47, 2008]
Rahmat, Mehrnaz
The Survey of Present Collecting Situation University Libraries of Shiraz City [Volume 42, Issue 48, 2008]
Sabzipoor, Majid
The Place of Oral History in Archives Management [Volume 42, Issue 48, 2008]
Safi, Dr. Qasem
General Reference Sources. 2nd Edition, 2006 [Volume 42, Issue 47, 2008]
Sedaghat, Dr. Kamran
Internal Evaluation in Academic Libraries a Case Study of Tarbiat Moalem University of Azerbaijan [Volume 42, Issue 48, 2008]
Shabani, Dr.Ahmad
- [Volume 42, Issue 48, 2008]
Shadi, Adeleh
Feasibility of Clinical librarian Services in the Hospital libraries of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences [Volume 42, Issue 47, 2008]
Shaghaghi, Mehdi
View of Archivists of Central Archive and Information Production Unit of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting About Necessity and Importance of In-Service Training [Volume 42, Issue 48, 2008]
Shahbazi, Rahim
Internal Evaluation in Academic Libraries a Case Study of Tarbiat Moalem University of Azerbaijan [Volume 42, Issue 48, 2008]
Vakili Mofrad, Hossein
Determine Hamadan University of Medical Sciences Determination of Core Journals in Hamadan University of Medical Sciences with Bradford's Law [Volume 42, Issue 48, 2008]
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